Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Stocks- "the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity)"Were i got the definition

Mutual funds- company that brings together money from many people and invests it in stocks, bonds or other assets.were i got the definition

Bonds- can be known as fixed income securities

Risk of investing-A concern with any investment is that you may lose the money you invest, which is known as your capital  video about risk of investing

Different Investing- People can do long term investments which they put money into but they wont see the progress of the investment for many years.  This type of investment is usually for people that want to have money in 30 years when they retire.  Then there is short term investments which you may see progress in months or couple years.  Theses are investments for people that need money now or soon .

Difference between investments and Saving?  Saving is something safe that you put money in and have access to at anytime.  For examples: saving account, and checking accounts. 
Investing  is when you put money in something at a risk of loosing it.  Unlike a saving account the federal government doesn't insure your money when its put in a mutual fund or stock. A good thing about investing though is that you can make more then what you put in unlike a savings account.

Three tips for Successful Investing-

1- Make sure you know what type of investor you are and be constant with it
2-  Think independently, and for your best outcome
3-  Make sure you do your research on a stock or anything you invest in and have a good reason for making that investment.

article about investing! check it out

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